

你地用過 jQuery 寫過導航菜單未? 未既話,睇到呢d出色既jQuery導航菜單後,一定會為此而後悔冇早d把 jQuery 應用到自己既Web開發中吧。jQuery 基本可以替代 Flash 實現Web常用既導航菜單,學習以下14篇網頁設計教程,將佢地應用到自己既網站項目中去吧!

Codename Pufferfish | 演示

Sliding Menu using jQuery | 演示

How to make a smooth animated menu with jQuery | 演示

Drop Down Menu with jQuery and CSS | 演示

Lavalamp for jQuery Lovers | 演示

Create Vimeo like Top Navigation | 演示
jQuery Convertion Garagedoor Effect | 演示

Designing the digg Header | 演示

Animated Drop Down Menu with jQuery | 演示

jQuery CSS Drop Down Menu | 演示

Easy to style jQuery Drop Down Menu Tutorial | 演示

Create a nice looking floating menu with jquery easing | 演示

jQuery Horizontal Tooltips menu tutorials | 演示

jQUery Flipping Menu Tutorial | 演示


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